Nourish your presence


We each have the choice to see who is within. Nourish your presence and you will awaken. Feed your demons and you will feel anxiety and fear. 

On the inhale, gather your attention. On the exhale, bring your attention to the sensation of your feet on the floor. Feel support and stability from being grounded, consider the truth of impermanence.Rest in openness and cultivate presence and power.

Each day in your life you can feed this exploration through questions, stillness, and contemplation. Join me in this process.

Our time in our mothers belly and childhood left an energetic imprint on our psyches and hearts. This imprint colors and conditions our experiences for the rest of our lives. In order to get the love we needed, we suppressed our own emotions, which tainted our authenticity. This clouded vision molded our core beliefs, influenced our ideas, our thought, and our action. Often this leaves many of us feeling alone, unloved, and unworthy.

This experiences in the common human condition. We repressed our emotions out of fear of what it meant to express them freely. These emotions or those that we repress create our mental habits, patterns, and behaviors. What I like to call, “our inner fortress of dictators.”

We can cultivate emotional intelligence look within, acknowledge, and express these emotions so they don’t remain bottled up. Otherwise, they are like time bombs waiting to explode. Make space within so that inspiration and creativity can flow. Wisdom arises by going through, transforming the pain into power.

When we get curious about our emotions we can become more aware of what drives our thinking, both conscious and unconscious. Waking up means waking up to your emotional body.

To wake up in this way means to gain a deeper understanding of what we have repressed.

It means being courageous enough to step into the present moment with awareness. It means owning our triggers. It mean that each waking up to old wounds to delve into the somatic body so we can make space for the strength to heal.

Waking up means taking responsibility, ceasing to act out, and stopping the drama.




What is your security blanket?