What is your security blanket?


What is your security blanket? Are you avoiding feeling your own pain? For many years I thought I was living a spiritual life, but internally I was avoiding feeling my full frustrations and lack of worth, and anxiety. Fear was itching under my skin and denial was my closest ally.

I self- medicated with alcohol, drugs, and destructive relationships. I was “spiritual bypassing.” It wasn’t until I stopped and looked within that I saw how much I was repressing inside. How my heart was full of pain. How the person I was lying to most was myself. This blanket keeps us from feeling vulnerable and numbs us from touching our authentic self. These days, for me the blanket of security has been uncovered. It is then that transformation occurred.

The less we have access to our distractions and denial the more clear our habits and patterns become. Addictions to news, stories, alcohol, or drugs keep you in a spin cycle. Get our of your own spin, out of your harmful cycle. This is an invitation to wake up and step off the wheel. Step back, witness your patterns and your distractions. Become an observer to the ways you avoid listening to your inner guide and the ways you encourage your inner critic and demons—feeding your fear. Your fear is the fabric of the stories that we repeat to ourselves, you have the ability to update the script, rewrite the story. This rewrite lies in the foundation called presence.

It’s not too late—build your foundation now.


Nourish your presence